We treat all of our patients royally here at Alaska Premier Dental Group, but some of them receive actual crowns. We’re not talking about crowns a king or queen wears, but crowns for your teeth! If you live near Wasilla, Alaska Premier Dental Group is the best place to get your teeth looking better than…
Root Canal
Saving Teeth at Alaska Premier Dental Group in Anchorage
When a tooth is threatened by acute decay, periodontal disease, or damage from an injury, a skilled dentist or endodontist must make a judgment call concerning the course of treatment. If the pulp of the tooth is infected or inflamed, a root canal is usually the only way to save the tooth. At Alaska Premier Dental…
Rather Have A Root Canal?
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘I’d rather have a root canal’ to describe something painful or unpleasant? At Alaska Premier Dental Group, we perform root canal (endodontic) therapy routinely for our patients and many report minimal discomfort. Root canal procedures have advanced significantly in recent years. For many root canal patients, the procedure is…
The Five Stages of a Cavity
You may have heard that once tooth enamel is eroded, it’s gone forever. This is partially true, but in the earliest stage of enamel erosion, a cavity can be reversed. Reverse a cavity before it needs a filling If you can prevent cavities in young children, there’s a better chance that their teeth can stay…
Are You Watching For Cavities?
Did you know a cavity may be reversed? These small holes in our teeth caused by acidic tooth erosion can actually be prevented from getting worse and require filling. Currently, around 90% of adults have cavities and almost 30% have untreated cavities. However, by taking a few needed precautions, we can stave off tooth decay…
3 Problems Which May Require A Root Canal
This post from Alaska Premier Dental Group is about root canal procedures. Root canals are often feared, but they allow you to keep a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted. As the saying goes, knowledge is power. It can help when you understand what is happening during this anxiety-inducing, though routine, procedure. At…
Alaska Premier Dental Group: Calming Root Canal Fears
 A dentist’s office is sometimes seen as a painful and scary place. Alaska Premier Dental Group tries to discourage that with its professional staff. But root canals still carry a strong association with pain, even though it doesn’t have to be that way. When a tooth becomes badly infected or decayed, a root canal may be…
The Cure, Not the Cause: Root Canals
Root canals have a bad reputation. Just hearing you need one makes a lot of people uneasy, because they’re associated with pain. But at Alaska Premier Dental Group, we stress that root canals do the opposite: they don’t cause pain, they relieve it. A root canal usually becomes necessary when a tooth is infected or…
Calming Root Canal Fears in Anchorage
A dentist’s office is sometimes seen as a painful and scary place. This is especially true if you’re getting something more involved than a teeth cleaning. Root canals, in particular, can strike fear into the most courageous of hearts. But at Alaska Premier Dental Group in Anchorage, it doesn’t have to be that way. A…