Know The Facts About Oral Piercings

health risks of oral piercings Anchorage

This post from Alaska Premier Dental Group is for anyone who has an oral piercing or is considering one.

Since this is a dental blog, you probably expect us to raise all sorts of alarms warning of the dangers of piercings. You are correct. Unfortunately, these piercings and the jewelry they accommodate can lead to serious problems with not only your teeth and mouth, but your entire body. They can bring about tooth damage, tooth decay, periodontal disease, tooth loss, bone recession, compromised immune system function, and in rare cases, death.

In general, any oral piercing is going to open you up to an array of dangerous oral infections and complications. The mouth is full of germs and introducing foreign objects permanently is not natural for your body’s health.

A tongue piercing can result in difficulty chewing with unnatural chewing patterns that may lead to swallowing problems. The jewelry produces excess saliva from the salivary glands, which throws off the natural balance of your oral cavity. Permanent nerve degeneration, excessive bleeding, and allergic reactions can also ensue.

Metal jewelry also can easily come in contact with your teeth, leading to cracked, chipped, or damaged teeth. Your teeth are built to last a lifetime. Chips, cracks, and enamel erosion compromise their stability and shorten their lifespan.

Complications with some piercings arise by the introduction of hepatitis and herpes simplex viruses, and even more complications have occurred with bacteria entering the bloodstream and eventually lodging in the heart valve. In rare cases, such infections are fatal.

Though not technically a piercing, some people drill small holes in their teeth to place rhinestones or other jewelry. Drilling into a tooth is a bad idea for many reasons, including damage that can make a root canal required. The jewel also can attract bacteria that can directly go into the drilled cavity of the tooth.

At Alaska Premier Dental Group, the dentists encourage patients with oral piercings to remove their jewelry before it puts their health at risk. However, if you have an oral piercing and plan to keep it, we advise you to have regular dental cleanings and check-ups. It’s important to repair problems in their early stages before they become more acute. We offer family and cosmetic dentistry. Schedule an appointment today!

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