Welcome to our blog! Today’s message answers some common questions about toothpaste.
Why does toothpaste seem gritty?
The abrasive aspect of toothpaste is to help with removing dental plaque and food from the surface of the teeth. Rough brushing becomes unnecessary for dental patients when the abrasives in the toothpaste can snag the mouth’s lingering bits of food and polish the enamel at the same time.
What’s with the strong minty flavors?
Minty flavors are used to encourage continued use of the paste and to freshen breath. However, powerful toothpaste alone is not designed to cure halitosis (bad breath) for people affected. While unflavored toothpastes exist, the world has also seen such flavors as peanut butter, iced tea, and ginger. To treat halitosis it is best to restrict periodontal disease and to also brush bacteria from far back on the tongue. Removing the source is vital and more effective than covering it up with minty flavorings.
What is Fluoride’s place in toothpaste?
Fluoride occurs in small amounts in plants, animals, and some natural water sources. It is championed by health-conscious individuals for preventing cavities and controlling gingivitis. Fluoride-containing compounds are present in many kinds of toothpaste to add another vital dimension to the oral hygiene regimen for preventing decay.
How are toothpaste and flossing related?
Flossing regularly in conjunction with toothbrushing helps with eliminate bacterial growth, tooth decay, and plaque build-up by simply removing chunks of food or substances that could break down the tooth.
Finally, what about the relationship between toothpaste and mouthwash?
The use of mouthwash cannot replace regular brushing and flossing. Mouthwash (or fluoride rinse) simply adds yet another dynamic layer of defense against bacterial growth in the mouth.
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Anchorage, Alaska 99504
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Wasilla, Alaska 99654
Phone: 907-373-5930